Simfatic Forms > Help > Troubleshooting > Failed Uploading Sample file. Please check the folder permissions

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"Failed Uploading Sample file. Please check the folder permissions."

Getting List of files in folder /home/folder/selected_folder/...

Creating a sample HTML file 'brwE346.tmp.html' ...

Uploading the sample file brwE346.tmp.html to /home/folder/selected_folder/...

Failed Uploading Sample file. Please check the folder permissions.

While testing whether the selected folder is the web publish folder, Simfatic Forms will upload a sample HTML file to the selected folder and will try to access it using URL of the form

This step is to make sure that the selected folder is the right web publish folder and to avoid errors in the later steps.

Please note that the test will no way harm your existing web site. Simfatic Forms makes sure that no existing file is altered.

The error occurred because uploading the sample file failed. There can be the following reasons:

  • You cancelled the operation
  • Network connection problems
  • You don't have permissions to upload to the selected folder.


The only solution that can be suggested is to try again. Make sure that you have the permissions to upload to the selected folder. (What happens when you upload using other FTP clients?).

If you have a different case, please submit the form. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Please mention the hosting service provider in the description.

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