Getting List of files in folder /folder/folder/selected-folder/...
Creating a sample HTML file 'brw3695.tmp.html' ...
Uploading the sample file brw3695.tmp.html to /folder/folder/selected-folder/ ...
Now trying to access the file 'brw3695.tmp.html' using URL
Could not download sample file using the URL
The test was to upload a sample file brw3695.tmp.html to the
remote path /folder/folder/selected-folder/ and access using URL
This does not seem to be working. Please ensure that you have
selected the right server and the correct folder.
While testing whether the selected folder is the web publish folder, Simfatic Forms will upload a sample HTML file to the selected folder and will try to access it using URL of the form
The test is to make sure that the selected folder is the right web publish folder and to avoid errors in the later steps.
The test failed because Simfatic Forms could not access the page using URL of the form
Note 1:
Are you using free hosting services like or 000WebHost ?
If you are, then that could be the reason why the folder verification dos not work.
These free hosting providers append certain pieces of tracking code to all the pages that they serve.
Note 2:
This step is not to select the target folder for the form.
It is to select the
web publish folder. The target folder for the form is selected in another step.
The web publish folder will normally be one of the following: