General Options

General Options


This page is displayed only if you pulled out the form from an HTML file using the import buttons in the The First Page.



Form Name(Read Only)
The name of the form that is read from the web page. The form name is used to identify the form through out the cycle (in the form page, server side processing, in the response mails, form submission data file and so on). It is recommended that you give a unique name for each of your form.


Server side processing support
If you want the Simfatic form processor to process the submitted form data, select the first option.
If you just want to add client-side input validation, select the second option. In this case, you will have to use your own server side script to process the submitted form data.



Look & Feel Support

You can decide whether you want to customize the error string display (The error strings that are displayed if the form validations fail).


1. Standard
Select this option if you don't want to customize the style and let Simfatic Forms use the standard style.


2. Custom
Select this option if you want to customize the style. If you select this option, the 'Look & Feel' page will allow you to edit the visual style.