How to create a simple calculation field

How to create a simple calculation field

InformationVideo Demo

See an online demo of creating a calculation field here: Creating an order form with calculations using Simfatic Forms


Imagine you want to create a simple order form with item quantity and price. Here is how to make one quickly.


We have a pizza order form. A dropdown with pizza type and a "quantity" box to enter the quantity

order form with dropdown


Here are the items in the 'pizza_type' drop down list:

Items in the list


The pizza price varies with the pizza type . Garlic Prawn Pizza is $10 whereas Funky Chicken Pizza is $12


First, we add a calculation field

calculation field with formula pizza_type * pizza_quantity 


Notice the formula:  pizza_type * pizza_quantity


Now we need to map from the 'pizza_type' dropdown list items to its price. We can do the mapping in the

'Value maps' tab:

pizza type to price Value map



Now we have the calculation ready. Press the Preview button preview-button to see it working

The formula: pizza_type * pizza_quantity works this way:


Suppose the user selected "Fully Veg Pizza" the corresponding numeric value is taken from the value map ( it is 9)

and then multiplied with the value in the pizza_quantity :


order form preview



InformationValue Maps

When you are using a selection (radio group, drop down list) in a formula, you have to map the selected value to a numeric value. Simfatic Forms' value map makes this easy. First enter the formula . If your formula contains a selection, the "value maps" tab will have mapping for such selection fields. Just provide the numeric value to be used in the calculation.



Now that the basic step is done, we can add a submit button and proceed to build a full fledged order form



Download the form template here:

order form template


More info:

Calculation Field Reference


Calculation field : function reference


Formula editor


How to create an online calculator