'Form to File' Page


If you have enabled the feature to save the submitted form data to a file in the server, this page is displayed. The form data is saved in a file as coma separated values (known as CSV file). The first line is the column titles. The data submitted in each form submission is appended after the first line.


See Also: How to save form submissions to a file


The fields in this page

There are two list boxes in this page. The right side list box contains the fields to be saved to the file.

The left side list box contains the fields that are NOT to be saved.

By default, all likely fields are added to the 'to be saved' list.


The fields are saved in the file in the order they are present in the list box. That means the field in the top of the list appears left most in the CSV file and the bottom most field appears in the right end of the CSV file.


'Add' button
Select the item to be added from the left side list box and press 'Add' button. The selected field is added to the 'to be saved' list in the right side.

You can select more than one field from the left and press the 'Add' button to add them together.


'Remove' button
Select the fields to be removed from the right side box and press 'Remove' button to remove them from the 'to be saved' list.

The removed fields appear in the left side box.
You can select more than one field from the right side box and press the 'Remove' button to remove them together.


'Move Up' button
Select the field to be moved up in the right side box and press 'Move Up' button to move the field up. The order of the fields in the right side box affects the order of the fields in the form data (CSV) file.


'Move Down' button
Select the field to be moved down in the right side box and press 'Move Down' button to move the field down.


File size limit
As your visitors keep on submitting the form, the form data file grows. You can set the file size limit so that when the file size reaches the specified limit, the data till then is backed up to a file and marked ( renamed ) with the date. A new file is created where appending the form data continues. You can download the old file and delete it from the server to save space.
Enter the value of the 'File Size limit' in KBs (Kilo Bytes).
The default value of the file size limit is 1024 KB (1 MB).