Simfatic Forms > The key features of Simfatic Forms

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The key features of Simfatic Forms

Using Simfatic Forms, you can quickly create forms, install it on your web site and start getting form submissions.

Flexible WYSIWYG Editor
Using the flexible WYSIWYG(What You See Is What You Get) form editor you can design the form the way you want.

flexible form design

Multi-page Forms

Creating long forms in Simfatic Forms is easy. You can create forms multiple pages. The pages can be displayed based on conditions too. (For example, based on a selection by the user).

Conditional sections

You can show/hide sections of the form based on a condition.

Get form submissions instantaneously by email

You can direct the form submissions to any number of email addresses.

Customize the email

You can create an email template for the form submission email. This lets you highlight the part of the form submission data or format the form submission data in any way you want.

Conditional Recipients

The form submission email can be sent to different addresses based on a condition. For example, based on the user's selection of 'Department'.

Save to database

You can have the form submissions saved to a database table. Simfatic forms will automatically create and update the table as required.
The current version supports MySQL database.

Paypal payment processing

For order processing, you can send the user to Paypal and collect payments.

Save form submissions to a file

In addition to receiving the form submissions by email, you can have the form submission data saved to a csv (comma separated values) file on the server side. You can later download this submission data file and open in spreadsheet programs or import to a data base that support csv format.

View Form submissions online

View the form submissions online in the Form Admin Page.

Send an auto-response

You can configure an auto response email that is sent to the visitor who submitted the form.

Customize the email using email template

You can customize the auto response email to make it more personalized.

Customize the look of the form

It is easy to customize the look and feel of the form by selecting the font, color and background color.

There are pre-built 'styles' that you can attach to the form that you are creating.

Swift upload: for easily integrating the form

You don't have to worry uploading the individual script files to the proper location on your web server. Simfatic Forms can FTP the required files to the server.

Support for all types of form input fields

Simfatic Forms support all types of input fields that you see on web forms.
  • Text Field
  • Multi-line text box
  • Check box
  • A group of check boxes
  • Radio button
  • List box
  • File upload box
  • Hidden field
  • Submit, Reset buttons

In addition to the 'native' form controls, Simfatic Forms provides the following enhanced controls too.

  • Decimal field:
    Allows only decimal numbers
  • Date Picker:
    Allows your visitors to pick a date from a drop down calendar
  • Captcha
  • Calculation field:
    Calculate a value based on the form input

Online Calculations

The calculation field is a powerful feature. You can use the calculation field for calculating order total or to give a quotation instantaneously.

Cascaded lists

Cascaded lists are lists that are loaded based on selection in another list. It is quite handy for certain kind of selections.

File upload with 'preview'

The File upload widget makes it easy to receive file attachments from your users. The File upload widget supports progress box on file upload and shows a preview of the uploaded file for image files. You can get the files as attachment along with the form submission email. Also, you can have the files saved on the server that you can download later.

All common validations: just choose!

Simfatic forms supports all commonly required validation types. You just have to select the types of validation required for each input field. The input data is validated both at the client side(Java Script) and on the server side.

Some of the validations:

  • Text box:
    • Mandatory field
    • Must be 'unique'
    • type: alphabetic, numeric, email
    • Max. length
    • Min. Length
    • Greater than a number
    • Less than a number
    • Match against a pattern
    • Compare to another field
  • Check box group
    • select minimum n number of check boxes
    • select maximum n number of check boxes
  • List box
  • Should select a item
  • File upload box
    • The file extension
    • Size of the file(server side only)

    Date picker
    The date can be before/after
    • a fixed date
    • the form submission date
    • another date field
  • Decimal field and Calculation field
    • Greater than a number
    • Less than a number
    • compare to another field

Conditional validations

You can choose a validation to be done based on certain condition (like selecting a check box, having an input value greater than a number)

Support for form submission confirmation page

You can have a two-step form submission process. When your visitor submits a form, a confirmation page is displayed showing the data that the visitor had submitted. The visitor has to press confirm button to make the final submission.