Simfatic Forms is a web form builder tool.
- Drag & drop design your form
- Upload to your website
- Get form submissions by email or view online
The forms created using Simfatic Forms run from your website. Hosted completely by you.
I searched the web and came across Simfatic and downloaded their trial; I was instantly impressed.
I started using their sotware on 3 of my main major sites instantly and not long into my 30 day trial I purchased the full license - a great price for simple, easy to use and completely user friendly tools.
I would recommend to anyone looking for this kind of service - thanks!
In addition, you can customize emails into the format that you want. The form submissions can also be sent to different addresses based on a certain condition pre-selected by the user (such as a department or regional branch).
Simfatic Forms generates standards compliant, HTML/CSS forms. It works in all popular browsers well. What more, you can customize the forms with your own CSS too!
By using such an auto-response feature wisely, you can immediately respond with more information on your product or service, send a downloadable brochure or even invite the user to a demo. The possibilities are endless.
It is still possible that you want to customize the form for your needs. For that, Simfatic Forms has custom code options. You can add custom HTML, CSS or Javascript code. On the server side, you can attach to the server side PHP scripts through Extension Modules.
This results in much cleaner output and we all love that!
Great job Simfatic !
This makes your work simpler and your web form user friendly. Some of the added widgets include calculation fields, enhanced date picker, dynamic lists, file upload widgets and cascaded lists.
We tested Simfatic Forms on one of our client websites. The Simfatic Forms software created all of the forms located at They not only delivered the quality the client was looking for, but by using the server side processing incorporated into the software, they have been 100% spam-free without the need of a capacha. A fantastic benefit when it comes to prospect conversion and lead generation!
The software is easy to use, offers a huge assortment of pre-configured options, and had no problem with the inclusion of additional javascript code for specific form field controls.
If you are a developer that creates custom forms for client projects, I highly recommend Simfatic Forms. The program was definitely worth every penny we spent.