Dropdownlist properties

The user can choose one item from a number of available choices in a dropdown list (Also known as pull down menu or combo box )



Give a name for the dropdownlist. The name is used internally to identify the dropdown list. You need to follow certain Naming Rules


Load from Database

The dropdown list items will be saved in a database table. When the form is displayed, the items are loaded from the database table. This can be handy if the list needs to be updated frequently. You can update the list box directly from the Form Admin Page.


Cascaded List

Cascaded lists are required when one list is loaded based on another list. For example, Country list and state list. When a country is selected in one drop down, the list of states in that country is loaded in another dropdown.


List Items

In the list items tab, you can enter the items for the list. (One item per line.)


For example:
Select ...


See some more examples here: Filling the List items


Load Items from another List

When more than one lists in the same form shares the same list of items, this option becomes handy. For example, if you have two 'country' drop downs in your form, you can make the second list copy the items from the first 'country' list. This will greatly improve the form load time.