Setup PayPal Page

You can setup PayPal Website Payments Standard to accept payments from your form users.


First, select 'Do payment processing using PayPal' option in the Form Processing Options Page


In the PayPal Setup page, press the 'Configure PayPal' button to start configuring PayPal payments.


Setting up PayPal

It is recommended to use the PayPal sandbox first to try the PayPal processing. Get a developer account and setup some test accounts.


Once you have tried the payment processing, Get a PayPal account and move to production mode.


PayPal General Settings:

The Email Address is the one that you have signed up with PayPal. If you are trying the test mode, provide the email address from one of the test accounts.

Check the Test mode option to first try the PayPal integration. Then later, you can uncheck the option and re-upload the form to move to production mode.


For one time payments, select product/service. For recurring payments, choose 'Subscription'.


Products page:

The item name, unit price and quantity can be directly given in the corresponding boxes or can be from the form fields. To select a form field, press the right arrow button and choose the field.

You can add more than one product as well. Press the 'Add more items' button and provide the details.


Additional Charges

The additional charges and discounts fields are optional. You can provide the values or select from the form fields (like calculation fields).


Subscription Setup

If you have selected 'Subscription' in the first page, you can setup the subscription details in this page. Select the Billing cycle and the amount. You can setup a trial period too.


Donation Setup

If the payment type is 'Donation', you can provide a description and amount in this page.


Conditionally send to PayPal

In certain cases, you may want to send the user to Paypal only on certain conditions. (like user selecting an option to 'make the payment now'). You can make the PayPal step conditional by selecting 'Send to Paypal only on certain conditions' check box.



If Paypal is enabled for your form, the rest of the form processing steps (send form submission email, auto response, save to database etc) will be executed only after the successfully completes the payment at Paypal.