Look and feel page

You can change the display style of the form in this page.


The layout of the page

The different parts of the form are listed in this page. Click on the item title to expand and change the style of that element.



Change the style of the form page. You can change the back ground colour or add a background image.



The font selected in the page section is inherited by the rest of the form. The same font is used for elements whose font is not customized. This makes it easy to apply same font style across the form.

Please note that some elements (like input elements, error messages, image buttons, progress box ) does not inherit from the page font.



This section is to edit the style of the form here. You can align the form to left,right or center in the page. The background style also can be edited.


Labels and Headings

The text style of labels or headings can be edited here. If you select 'inherit' for the font, the Font selected for the Page is applied.

If you leave the background 'none' the label/heading will be 'transparent' and the form/page will be seen through.


The text colour of the label can be edited in the font style



In this section, you can edit the style of single-line textboxes. Choose 'Apply the default style' option if you don't want to customize the style of the textbox.


Multi-line Textboxes

This section is to edit the style of multi-line text boxes (also known as text area ).


Dropdown lists

You can customize the font/background color of dropdown lists in this section.


Image button style

The style of the buttons (submit/reset) when the 'image button' option is selected (the default option) for the button.


Validation message style

The style for the error box that is displayed when there are validation errors. This style is used to display the validation errors next to each input element in a movable error message box.


Load a pre-configured style or save as a new style

Instead of editing the individual style elements, you can load a theme: a pre-configured style.

Click the 'Load style' button. A 'file open' dialog opens where you can open a form style file ( with file extension: '.fwsl') .


Similarly, you can save your customized style to a file. Click on the 'Save style' button and select the location of the file.  Later, you can load your customized style to your form from the file.


See Also:

How to customize the Look & Feel of the form