Configure Form-mail Page


The form data submitted in the form could be directed to one or more email addresses. You can configure the form-mail options in this page. This page is shown only if you enable form-mail in the Form Processing Options Page.


The fields in this page


Recipients' field
The email addresses to which the form submission mail should be sent.
Press the 'Select ...' button to select the email addresses. The Address book opens. You can choose the email addresses from the list of addresses.


The reply-to field in the email is useful when you try to reply to the form submission email. When you reply the email from the email client, the address in the 'Reply-To' field appears in the 'To' field.


You have two choices.


  1. A 'fixed' email address to be used in the 'Reply-To' field of the email
  2. A field in the form can be used as the 'Reply-To' field .

If you have an email field in your form where the visitor enters her email address, then select the email field in the second option.

The second option is helpful for replying to the form mail quickly. You can just press the 'Reply' button in your email software to reply to the form mail.

Press the 'Select' button to open the The 'Reply-To' field dialog box


Enter the subject of the form submission email.


Email Content

An email template is used to send the form data.


You can format the template to include the field values from the form. The field value place holders are represented by the notation %field_name%. While processing the form, these place holders are replaced by the actual values from the form before sending the email


By default, an email template is generated and placed as email content.


'Auto generate' button
Click on the 'auto generate' button to generate a simple email template. The generated email template will contain the form field names and the place holders for the field values.


Pressing the 'Auto-generate' button will show the Insert Field Table dialog box. Here, you can edit the field table that will be inserted in the generated template.


Insert Field
Insert the place holder for the selected field. For example, if you insert the place holder for a field 'Name' then it is represented as %name%. While processing the template, the %name% will be replaced with the actual value submitted in the form.


Insert Field Table
This button pops up the Insert Field Table dialog box. You can edit the field table and insert it in the template.


Attach file uploads to the email
This checkbox appears if there are file upload boxes in the form. If the box is checked, the form mail will have the uploaded files attached.


The editor button is displayed only if you have enabled HTML emails in the Form Processing Options Page page.
Click on the editor button to open the HTML editor where you can edit the email template. The HTML editor window has more formatting features.


Using the email template: An Example

Let us see an example how an email template is processed.

Suppose you have given the following text as the email template

You have a good news from your form processor.
A visitor has submitted the form data:
Name : %name%
Email: %email%


Suppose somebody submits name 'John' and email ''
You will receive the email like the one shown below:

You have a good news from your form processor.
A visitor has submitted the form data:
Name : John


Note You can have field place holders in the subject field also.