Update Configuration Settings

You can update the configuration settings by overriding the BeforeStartProcessing() function.



class MyCustomUploadFolder

         extends FM_ExtensionModule
function BeforeStartProcessing()
  $this->logger->LogInfo("BeforeStartProcessing is called");

  $this->config->file_upload_folder =

  return true;

Here are the configuration settings you can update:



The location to save the files (csv file, the log file etc)



Whether to allow load values from the URL. For example, if you enter the URL of the form as myform.php?Name='John' the value John will be pre-filled in the Name field of the form



In the file upload fields, if the user uploads executable file types, (including PHP script, HTML files and other scripts) it is counted insecure and is not saved by default. Make 'allow_nonsecure_file_attachments' true to allow such file types.



The custom folder to save file uploads. By default, file uploads are saved under an upload folder under the form_file_folder (see above).