See the forms below. (Click to examine the images closely) Which one do you think will attract more leads?
Do you want to know how does a Professional Form differentiate from the mediocre ones? Read on.
Pretty obvious, right? You will be surprised how many forms out their just fail to work.
Some have built validations that you get insulted for your name!
My friend Kshitij can't submit his name because... Well, see below : )
Same is the case John O'Connor:
Do you see a pattern here? Why do these forms fail so terribly?
There is a science to Building web forms. Learning that is not difficult.
Web Forms are critical because that is the only way your visitors get to talk to you!
Here are the top 3 things you can do now to make better web forms
Clear, concise, readable labels. Place them close to the input field.
Imagine you are building a feedback form.
Name, email, phone number, type of feedback, and then a feedback field; that looks better, right? Wrong!
In a Feedback form, ask the feedback first!
I hear big surprised sounds when I say this. However, it is a PROVEN fact.
If you force too many validations, people will ditch your form.
Some people believe that adding as many validations possible increase security. Not at all.
Doing validations right and will never compromise security and your users will thank you for that.
Years of research, experience with different clients and testing. All this information jammed together into a book. You can download and read the book from your convenient device. Keep it for ever as a reference. Build better forms again and again "How to Build Professional Web Forms" is a 60 page illustrated guide that comes complete with example code snippets and EASY-to-FOLLOW, Plain-English instructions.
For a limited time, claim your FREE copy just by asking – fill in the form below and receive your complete guide Right Now, because it's a 24/7 Digital Download!
This is not just a book. It is a collection of resources to build forms right. You will get sample code snippets, free form templates and more.
Valued at $29.99, this entirely FREE download-version is supplied as a .PDF file.